The Friends of Patuxent's Pollinator Festival 2022, first since COVID closures, will take place on Patuxent Research Refuge's North Tract (230 Bald Eagle Drive; Laurel) at the Education Building and vicinity, on Saturday, September 24th, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Festival is free and open to the public (donations also welcome).
Come enjoy free native-plant and milkweed-seed giveaways, science and art activities, monarch butterfly-tagging and releases, guided nature walks, and more! Learn and explore with us!
Exhibitors and fun, educational activity stations for all ages will include: Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center; the University of Maryland's Entomology Zoo; the Maryland Native Plant Society; the US Fish & Wildlife Service monarch butterfly tagging program; Master Gardeners of Anne Arundel County and Bowie Green; Laurel for Patuxent; the US Geological Survey's Bee Lab; the Rachel Carson Council, Inc.; the Maryland Natural History Association; BUMBA; and the Friends of Patuxent (FOP). The FOP Wildlife Images Bookstore & Nature Shop traveling pop-up shop will also be present, as will some appropriate, invited vendors who will share a percentage of profits with the Friends.
As always, the mission of the Friends of Patuxent is to support the missions of the Patuxent Research Refuge and the Eastern Ecological Science Center (EESC). The profits from income received by the Friends will benefit the Refuge and the EESC.
The Festival needs a variety of volunteers/volunteer teams on Festival Day to help with, e.g., set-up (tables, chairs, tent canopies, exhibits), take-down (including trash pick-up), directing people's parking, and helping visitors and vendors find their way around. Some volunteer assistance may also be needed the day before (Friday).
To inquire about volunteering or ask questions, please contact one of the Pollinator Festival 2022 Committee members:
- Karen Atwood: atwoodkaren54@gmail.com
- Liz Humes (Chair): remeadow1@gmail.com; liz.humes@ymail.com
- Helen Lowe Metzman: helometz@hotmail.com