Art of Amanda Spaid
EXHIBIT - February 1, 2024 to February 29, 2024
9:00am to 4:30pm (Tuesdays to Saturdays)
RECEPTION - February 24, 2024 from 1pm-3pm
In February, we celebrate the return of Greenbelt Fine Artist, Amanda Spaid. Her exquisite work graced Hollingsworth in October of 2022. She has earned degrees in art from both Maryland and Ohio.
Her first child's energy and curiosity led to a re-engagement with nature and interest in native species. Now, with her work, Spaid hopes to inspire people to slow down and better appreciate the “natural world.” Her primary focus is birds, although her website also includes faces, monkeys, dogs, squirrels, and crabs.
She writes that artists and engineers have been fascinated by birds for centuries. They're colorful, important, beautiful – and they fly!
Spaid has been using media with acrylic and gouache as recent favorites. She has exhibited her work at the Greenbelt Arts Center, Watkins Nature Center, Brookside Gardens, Wheaton Regional Park, and Hollingsworth.